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Is this site safe?Yes, we make sure the site is consistently updated with the latest protection systems.
How do I become a site member?You can become a site member by heading to the top right of your screen, clicking on "Sign Up," and following the provided methods for registration.
To join the staff team, what steps should I take?Simply visit the main page, hover over "More," select "Volunteer Roles," and you'll find a list of available positions to choose from.
If someone is breaking the rules, how can I report them?If someone is violating the rules, simply go to the "Members" page, click the three dots on their profile, select "Report," and choose the appropriate reason. If the reason isn't listed, click "Other" and provide your explanation. When submitting the report, be ready to present PHOTO or VIDEO evidence by recording the violation or taking a quick photo. A staff member may request this evidence via site chat, and if validated, our staff team will address the rule violation accordingly.
If someone reported me without cause, what steps should I take?Reach out to the staff through the site chat, wait for a site admin to contact you, and provide PHOTO or VIDEO evidence demonstrating your innocence. If proven blameless, your account won't be suspended, and the person who made the false report will be addressed promptly.
Commonly Asked Questions
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